The Indian School of Business (ISB) has introduced a groundbreaking initiative, the I-Venture Immersive (ivi) programme, tailored specifically for upcoming and promising entrepreneurs. Administered by ISB’s entrepreneurship arm, I-Venture@ISB, this unique programme aims to encourage passionate innovators from diverse backgrounds across India to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, irrespective of their formal educational qualifications.
The inaugural round of admissions for the ‘ivi’ programme is now open for the founding cohort, set to commence in October. This six-month immersive experience, described as ‘more than an incubator, more than a school,’ will take place full-time on the Hyderabad campus of ISB. Designed to provide transformative support, ‘ivi’ will also offer funding assistance to selected cohort members to materialise their innovative ideas.
The ‘ivi’ programme is inclusive, welcoming aspiring Indian entrepreneurs from various backgrounds, including recent graduates aspiring to launch disruptive startups, tech professionals seeking to incorporate entrepreneurial thinking into their careers, and next-generation family business owners eager to expand beyond their legacies. Additionally, it extends its arms to women entrepreneurs facing unique challenges in the market and armed forces veterans keen to leverage their leadership skills in entrepreneurial endeavours.
Professor Bhagwan Chowdhry, Faculty Director of I-Venture@ISB, highlighted the programme’s objective to foster a vibrant ecosystem that nurtures creativity, attracts investment, and empowers visionary leaders, essential elements for unlocking India’s entrepreneurial potential. Emphasising inclusivity beyond metropolitan areas, the programme aims to empower individuals from all tiers and towns to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations.
The application and selection process for ‘ivi’ entail candidates submitting videos explaining their motivations, a method that transcends traditional grading systems.
The curriculum of the ‘ivi’ programme focuses on problem-solving through innovative techniques such as AI, machine learning, and data analysis.
ISB’s I-Venture Immersive (ivi) programme stands as a beacon of empowerment for grassroots entrepreneurs, providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and mentorship to embark on their entrepreneurial journey and drive positive change in India’s entrepreneurial landscape.