US president Biden backs UAW strike

4 mins read

US President Joe Biden has thrown his weight behind striking workers embroiled in a high-stakes pay dispute with three of America’s automotive behemoths. Nearly 13,000 employees staged walkouts on Friday across plants belonging to General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis. The standoff, which has captured the nation’s attention, revolves around the terms of new labor agreements, with both the companies and the United Auto Workers union (UAW) locked in a contentious battle.

President Biden, acknowledging the brewing labor unrest, underscored his support for the workers without endorsing the industrial action itself. “Workers deserve a fair share,” he asserted. “The companies have made significant offers, but I believe they should go further to ensure that soaring corporate profits translate into substantial contracts.”

The strike, marking the first time all three automotive giants have been simultaneously targeted by a labor action, emerged as existing labor agreements reached their expiry on Thursday, serving as the catalyst for the workers’ decisive actions. As tensions escalate, the UAW, representing over 140,000 workers in these firms, has ominously hinted at the possibility of broadening the scope of the strike depending on the outcome of ongoing negotiations.

The union’s demands, including a hefty 40% pay increase over a four-year contract term, surpass the modest approximately 20% raise put forth by the companies. The UAW justifies its stance by pointing to the staggering compensation packages awarded to corporate executives, each exceeding $20 million last year.

Currently, full-time plant workers enjoy hourly wages of approximately $32, variable based on seniority, alongside bonuses and various benefits. Temporary employees, a category the union is keen to shrink, receive less favourable compensation. This dispute carries the ominous potential to impact car prices and disrupt the operations of these automotive giants.

Amidst the standoff, the companies assert that the union’s demands come at an inopportune moment as they are heavily investing billions in transitioning to electric vehicle production. General Motors CEO Mary Barra, in an interview with CBS, underscored the imperative of ensuring the company’s long-term success.

Ford, already feeling the effects of the strike, announced the layoff of 600 workers at a Michigan assembly plant, citing the ongoing labor unrest as the root cause.

For President Biden, this labor dispute represents a formidable test of his leadership, coming at a time when grappling with persistent inflation has challenged his economic prowess. In a bid to mediate and demonstrate his pro-union stance, the President has dispatched top advisers, including Labor Secretary Julie Su, to facilitate negotiations in Detroit, Michigan.

Despite touting himself as the most pro-union president in American history and banking on organised labor’s support for his impending re-election campaign, President Biden’s relationship with unions has encountered turbulence, exemplified by last year’s signing of a bill to block a strike by US rail workers. The UAW’s decision not to endorse his re-election bid in May, citing concerns over worker commitments in light of government subsidies for electric vehicle ventures, further underscores the complex dynamic.

Union offices adjacent to the struck factories, including a GM plant in Missouri, a Stellantis Jeep facility in Ohio, and a Ford site in Michigan, buzzed with activity as workers rallied to sign up for picket duties and collect demonstration placards. Elected officials, including Senator Sherrod Brown in Ohio and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib in Michigan, made appearances at the scenes of protest, dismissing corporate warnings about the financial ramifications of conceding to worker demands.

In the backdrop of the ongoing strike, workers voiced their grievances, underscoring their long-standing quest for wage hikes and workplace enhancements, all while reflecting on sacrifices made during the financial turmoil of 2009 when these companies faced dire financial straits.