UK SMEs Losing Billions Annually as 5G Rollout Lags, Report

2 mins read

In a recent report released by Vodafone, startling revelations have emerged regarding the economic implications of the sluggish rollout of 5G Standalone (5G SA) technology in the UK. According to the findings, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across the country are missing out on up to £8.6 billion in productivity savings every year due to the delayed implementation of standalone 5G networks.

Despite the UK’s reputation as a fertile ground for business innovation, the nation risks falling behind its European counterparts in the race for digital supremacy. While countries like Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, and Denmark forge ahead with investments in reliable 5G connectivity, the UK’s slower pace threatens its competitiveness and attractiveness for SMEs.

The report underscores the urgent need for accelerated deployment of 5G SA technology to unleash the full potential of UK SMEs. Unlike non-standalone setups, standalone 5G networks offer superior coverage, speed, and connectivity, enabling SMEs to streamline operations, boost efficiency, and drive growth.

With strategic investments and partnerships, such as the proposed merger between Vodafone UK and Three UK, the UK could position itself as a global leader in digital innovation. By reaching 99% of the population with standalone 5G coverage by 2034, this initiative could unlock £11 billion in investment and propel the UK to the forefront of the digital revolution.

As SMEs continue to serve as the backbone of the UK economy, ensuring their access to robust digital infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies is paramount. By prioritising the rollout of standalone 5G networks and investing in digital skills training, the UK can create a conducive environment for SMEs to thrive, innovate, and compete on a global scale.

In light of these findings, stakeholders across government, industry, and academia must work together to expedite the deployment of 5G SA technology and unlock the untapped potential of UK SMEs. Failure to do so risks squandering billions in productivity savings and compromising the nation’s position in the global digital economy.